Home » Other hotels around Baarlo
Close to Baarlo there are several hotels you could stay during ProgPower Europe. Most visitors who do not stay in Baarlo during ProgPower Europe stay at a hotel / B&B in Venlo.
If you like to visit a few pubs after the festival days, we recommend you to stay in Venlo. A green and vibrant, historic city on the Maas. A city where everything is possible. A city with many hidden assets that surprise and delight visitors. A city of hard-workers with an inventive character. A city of delicious food and drink, a host of options for leisure and recreation and events that appeal to all! At least this is what the website ‘venloverwelkomt’ tells us.
Besides Venlo, you can also stay in another quiet village close to Baarlo. There are hotels, B&Bs, campings and group accommodations.
The best is to search for an accommodation that fits your standards. Use google to find some good hotel, bed & breakfast, group accommodation. Or try Booking.com or Expedia.com. Or maybe you prefer AirBnb. Check it out, you will find a good accommodation, for sure.